Document Loaders in Langchain

In this article, we will be looking at multiple ways which langchain uses to load document to bring information from various sources and prepare it for processing. These loaders act like data connectors, fetching information and converting it into a format Langchain understands. There are a lot of document loaders in LangChain and you can…

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How to Remove Duplicates from a List in Python

In this article, we will learn how to remove duplicates from a list in Python. We have a list of names that contains duplicate entries, and our goal is to remove these additional names efficiently. While one approach could be to iterate through the list multiple times and check the frequency of each name, this…

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How to Become a Prompt Engineer in 2024

In this article, we will explore the role of prompt engineers in the field of AI technology. Prompt engineers play a crucial role in enabling AI models to generate relevant output based on user input. We will discuss the basics of prompt engineering, its importance, and the steps and skills required to become a proficient…

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Top Programming Languages for Data Science in 2024

Data science is the art of discovering patterns and hidden gems within vast data oceans. Think of it as being a detective of the digital age, unraveling mysteries using numbers, algorithms, and technology. Just like a detective needs the right tools, data scientists in 2024 also rely on a toolkit of powerful programming languages to…

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Denoising Images with Autoencoders Using TensorFlow and Python

In today’s digital world, images play an important role in various applications, from medical imaging to self-driving cars. However, images are often corrupted by noise during transmission or storage, which can hinder the performance of image processing algorithms. In this blog post, we will explore how to use autoencoders to denoise images. We will implement…

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Deque : Memory Efficient Alternative To Python Lists

In this blog, we will be covering deque, which stands for Double Ended Queue in Python. We will explore why this data structure is very useful, especially when managing a stack in Python. We will go over the methods that come with the Double Ended Queue and how we can use it to handle queues…

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11 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Python Code

Python is a powerful programming language known for its simplicity and readability. In this article, we will explore 11 tips that can instantly improve your Python code. These tips include best practices that make your code cleaner and more pythonic. Tip 1: Iterate with `enumerate` instead of `range(len())` When you need to iterate over a…

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Efficient Data Manipulation with Apply() Function in Pandas

If you’re a data enthusiast like me, you’ve probably dabbled in the world of Python and Pandas, the go-to library for data manipulation and analysis. Now, imagine you have a massive dataset with thousands of rows, and you want to perform some custom operations on it. Well, don’t fret! Pandas has your back, and it…

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Day 1: Introduction to Deep Learning: Understanding the Basics

Welcome to this Deep Learning Course! Today is the beginning of our course and in this first article we will be talking about basics of Deep Learning. So, Let’s get started. Deep learning, is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on algorithms inspired by the structure of the human brain called which is an…

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How to Enhance Images Using Python

Image enhancement is one of the important steps in number of applications, including computer vision and image processing. It will help you to improve the quality of an image by adjusting its brightness, contrast and sharpness. Python, a versatile programming language, that provides a number of libraries to perform image enhancement tasks. In this article,…

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