Document Loaders in Langchain

In this article, we will be looking at multiple ways which langchain uses to load document to bring information from various sources and prepare it for processing. These loaders act like data connectors, fetching information and converting it into a format Langchain understands. There are a lot of document loaders in LangChain and you can…

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A Practitioners Guide to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

“The power of artificial intelligence is the power to transform humans.” – Fei-Fei Li Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), a revolutionary technique that combines powerful search capabilities with generative AI to enhance AI systems like langchain, a leading large language model. In this guide, we will explore the concept of…

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Building First Prompt Templates with OpenAI Language Models

Introduction In this blog post, we will explore how to build your first prompt and prompt templates using OpenAI Language Models. Language models are powerful tools that can generate text based on the input provided to them. By creating prompts and prompt templates, we can guide the language models to generate specific types of text…

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Exploring LangChain: The Framework for Building AI Applications

In this article we will be exploring the framework that we can use to integrate AI intoour applications and build AI-powered applications. AI is being widely used, and it is the future, regardless of the type of application. I’llalso explain the kinds of applications you can build with AI. Integrating AI hasbecome a must to…

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How to Remove Duplicates from a List in Python

In this article, we will learn how to remove duplicates from a list in Python. We have a list of names that contains duplicate entries, and our goal is to remove these additional names efficiently. While one approach could be to iterate through the list multiple times and check the frequency of each name, this…

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How to use *args and **kwargs in Python

I have come to see that most new python programmers have a hard time figuring out the *args and **kwargs magic variables. So what are they ? First of all, let me tell you that it is not necessary to write *args or **kwargs. Only the * (asterisk) is necessary. You could have also written…

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How to Become a Prompt Engineer in 2024

In this article, we will explore the role of prompt engineers in the field of AI technology. Prompt engineers play a crucial role in enabling AI models to generate relevant output based on user input. We will discuss the basics of prompt engineering, its importance, and the steps and skills required to become a proficient…

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How to Create an Image Classification Model using Hugging Face in 5 Lines

In 2021, when it comes to natural language processing tasks, most people turn to Hugging Face for solutions. However, did you know that Hugging Face now also offers image-related solutions? Yes, you heard it right! The popular Transformers library can now help you classify images as well. In this blog post, I will show you…

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Building a Classification Model with VGG19 for Image Recognition

Image classification is a fascinating field of machine learning that involves teaching a computer to recognize and categorize objects or patterns within images. In this article, we will walk through the process of building a classification model using the VGG19 architecture for image recognition. We’ll start from importing the necessary libraries and proceed step by…

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Top Programming Languages for Data Science in 2024

Data science is the art of discovering patterns and hidden gems within vast data oceans. Think of it as being a detective of the digital age, unraveling mysteries using numbers, algorithms, and technology. Just like a detective needs the right tools, data scientists in 2024 also rely on a toolkit of powerful programming languages to…

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