Difference between machine learning and machine reasoning?

Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence, which is a type of statistical learning. It provides computer programs with the ability to automatically learn from data without being explicitly programmed where to look for patterns. Machine Learning algorithms do not need to be explicitly programmed where to look for patterns in order to find them in data and are able to automatically learn from data without being explicitly programmed where to look for patterns. It is the ability to use data to make decisions and solve problems. Machine learning can be seen as a type of machine intelligence that focuses on the development of computer programs that improve automatically through experience.

Machine Reasoning is the process of logical deduction. With machine reasoning you can have an algorithm that will take in some input and then use logic or rules that you have given it in order to come up with a conclusion. For example, if you have an algorithm that takes in the input “if it is raining” and then uses logic to conclude that it is raining, then machine reasoning would be used. Machine Reasoning is the process of logical deduction.

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